Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Honesty is for Lovers

Not only does Awesome Boss Emily provide morale-boosting t-shirts, she has an observant eye for quirky things in the Reg. She brought my attention to the bathrooms midway into the hall towards the Staff Lounge, or the Breakroom, which leads to Ex Libris:

Yes, you're seeing right:

My mom used to call handicap symbols "Bathroom Marks." As in, the circle is a toilet, and the person is using it. So for a short while, when I was little, I used to think parking lots designated with these symbols were for people who needed to use the bathroom. But then I got smart and realized society wouldn't go out of the their way for people who need to go to the bathroom. I guess it's a reading room, in some sense, though. Perhaps this sign was made by someone with a sense of humor similar to my mom's?

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