Friday, April 27, 2007

I might need to start a whole label titled "Emily"

What remains of a birthday celebration of balloons, streamers, and a pin (tape) the tail on the donkey poster. Eventually, I had to let go of the decorations, but I kept this one balloon, which is sadly shriveled up in the corner of my cubicle.

On what I believe was the last day she could drive to work, she brought us McDonald's breakfast. The night before and after work, I wouldn't shut up about it to Mordecai.

And then a few days ago, I was thinking to myself, "How does one make banana bread?" But then I realized I needed near-rotten bananas, so I said forget it. Then I looked for mixes, but they contained nuts. Then yesterday came around, and Emily appeared with Tupperware containing banana muffins with brown sugar and cinnamon on top. Any nuts? I asked. No, she said. YESSSSSSS, I said. I should have taken a picture, but I was busy devouring.


sam.m said...
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hollychrome said...

oh, how I miss Team Sisyphus...